Food and trinkets from the Perrin House

Category: Holidays (Christmas)

From Christmas, we’ll share our traditions in the kitchen.

Lobster Risotto


Lobster Risotto

  • Author: MearaMay


Cut out from a magazine 



4 tbls of unsalted butter

1.5 c finely diced leeks

2 tbls cognac or brandy

Meat from tails and claws of two lobsters cut into 1/2″ pieces *alternate is langostino

1 tbsl olive oil

1/2 c finely diced fennel

2 garlic cloves minced

2 cups arborio rice

1/4 tsp lemon zest

1/2 c white wine

8 cups of lobster or fish stock, warmed

2 tbls chopped chevril, plus sprigs

salt and pepper to taste


In a saute pan over medium heat melt 3 tbls butter. Add 1 cup leeks, cook 5 min. Add cognac, simmer, stirring 1 minute. Add lobster meat and cook 1-2 minutes. Remove from heat. 

In a risotto pan over medium heat melt 1 tbsp butter with oil. Add fennel and cook 5 minutes. Add 1/2 c leeks and cook for 2 minutes. Add garlic, cook 1 min. Stir in rice and zest and cook 2 min. Add wine and stir until absorbed. Add 1/2 c stock  at a time until completely absorbed, then do it again. After 35-40 minutes of doing this, constant stirring, then add the lobster mix. Stir in 1-2 tbsp chevril. Ready to serve. 

Keywords: lobster, risotto, lobster risotto, rice, lobster rice, fennel, leeks,

3 layer Crab Appetizer


3 layer Crab Appetizer

  • Author: MearaMay


Original recipe of Georgene Campbell



Thaw and squeeze 2 packages – 6 oz of Alaskan King Crab and set aside

12 oz cream cheese

2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce

1 tbsp lemon juice

2 tbsp butter

1/2 c finely chopped onion

4 dashes garlic salt


Whip together and spread on a decorative dish. Spread 1 bottle of cocktail sauce on top of the cream cheese mix. Place chunks of crabmeat on top of cocktail sauce. Serve with wheat thins to scoop. 


Meara’s super-fast (like “Oh shit, company’s coming” fast) variation: 

Toss a brick of cream cheese on a plate and surround with crackers. Flake imitation crab meat and toss on top. Buy a jar of Allied Homemade Chili Sauce and pour that on top. Ready! 


Keywords: cream cheese, dip, crab dip, 3 layer dip, cocktail sauce, crackers,

Mint Juleps


Mint Juleps

  • Author: MearaMay


Irish, St. Paddy’s Day drink



1/2 C packed/muddled mint leaves

1 water

2 c sugar


Fresh mint sprigs


Boil sugar and water 5 minutes and let cool. 

Muddle leaves with a pestle. Add to syrup. Refrigerate overnight. Strain muddled leaves. 

Fill glass with shaved ice. Add bourbon (100 proof). Add 1 teaspoon of the syrup or more to taste. Stir wit a sprig of fresh mint. 2 parts bourbon to 1 part syrup is the recommendation. 



Ohio Appetizers

This is a classic water chestnut appetizer from Ohio. If you are from Ohio, you probably have another name for it? 


Ohio Appetizers


A sweet and crunchy appetizer great for potlucks!



  • 1 can of water chestnuts, cut in halves.
  • 1 lb bacon (Walmart peppered bacon is awesome), cut in 3rds


  • 1/2 C ketchup
  • 1/2 C brown sugar
  • 1/4 C white sugar
  • 3 tbls worsteshire sauce
  • *scallops, shrimp, banana peppers optional


  1. Roll chestnuts and optional items in bacon and secure with toothpicks. Place in baking dish. Mix sauce and pour over the rolls and bake in oven at 325 for 30 minutes.

Elena’s Rice


Don’t know the story on the name, but the Hahn’s probably will. This is a year-round craved side dish for those Christmas tamales! Melt in your mouth, and super easy. 


Elena’s Rice


A casserole of gooey cheesy green chile rice.


  • Until I find the original recipe, you can ad-lib this one! You CANNOT go wrong here.
  • White rice, cooked. 3-6 cups.
  • Tub of Sour cream. Might as well use the fatty stuff.
  • The biggest block of Monterey Jack cheese you can find, shredded.
  • Diced or sliced green chiles in can. Save juice for the rice water!


  1. Cook the rice. Use a rice cooker and save yourself the drama. Let cool.
  2. Mix with entire tub of sour cream.
  3. Layer in heavy casserol dish: rice, cheese, chiles, and repeat.
  4. Top with cheese.
  5. Bake 220 for 20 minutes to melt cheese, covered. Broil 5 min to brown cheese.


  • I prefer arborio rice, but cheap uncle bens white rice works great. I also get a kick out of the Herdez green chiles, but mostly because I get a little giggle when I see the “GLUTEN FREE!!” branding on it.

Scotch Eggs



Scotch Eggs



  • Hard Boiled, peeled eggs
  • 1 Raw Egg
  • Italian Sausage
  • Breakfast Sausage
  • Bread Crumbs
  • Celery
  • Cream
  • Onion/shallots
  • Flour
  • Butter


  1. Mix raw egg, 1 roll of breakfast sausage like Jimmy Deans, and peeled and opened package of italian sausage in a bowl.
  2. Wrap mixture around hard boiled egg and roll in bread crumbs.
  3. Bake at 350 directly on oven rack with water lined cookie sheet below (to prevent burning fat drippings), until the sausage appears to crack.
  4. While baking, go to stove and make a white gravy. Saute butter, finely chopped celery and shallots and then make a roux with flour and cream to add to it.
  5. To serve, cut the cooked scotch egg in half and pour gravy over. 1 egg is extremely filling!


The BEST cranberry dish to bring to Thanksgiving


The BEST cranberry dish to bring to Thanksgiving

  • Author: Donna Hahn


A crazy horseradish cranberry dish. But wait!!! Don’t run away. The horseradish takes the bitterness away from the cranberry, while the cranberry taste the bite from the horseradish. It ends up being a cool and refreshing addition to the typical Thanksgiving set up. *Make 1 day prior



  • 2 C fresh cranberries
  • 1/2 C sugar
  • 1/4 horseradish (homemade is best; see Joy of cooking cookbook)
  • 1 tbsp of fresh lemon juice


  1. Chop Cranberries with sugar in food processor. Add remaining ingredients and refrigerate.


  • Really works well in my dad’s Turkey Salad Sammies for an after Thanksgiving snack.

Ivy’s Deviled Eggs


Ivy’s Deviled Eggs

  • Author: Ivy Perrin


A spicy deviled egg mixture that is fun to make for Halloween and potluck parties.



  • 1 Dozen Eggs, hard boiled and peeled.
  • 1/2 C Just Mayo
  • 1/2 C Miracle Whip
  • 2 Tbsp Sugar
  • 2 Tbsp Beaver Sweet Hot Mustard
  • 2 Tbsp Coleman’s Dry Mustard
  • 2 Tbsp Louisiana Hot Sauce
  • 2 Tbsp Liquid smoke
  • 1 tsp Season Salt
  • 1 tsp Horseradish (ours is homemade)
  • 1 tsp Anchovy paste (required secret ingredient)

For Serving

  • Hungarian Paprika
  • Bacon crumbles


  1. Slice eggs and set whites aside. Place yolks in a large bowl.
  2. Mix in all other ingredients.
  3. Use a hand blender to mix well.
  4. Spoon into the egg whites and top with bacon crumbles and paprika.


  • We use the ice and water in a glass method to make peeling easier!

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Mother McHugh’s Yorkshire Pudding


Mother McHugh’s Yorkshire Pudding

  • Author: Mother McHugh (Bessie)


A pancake-like treat made from the meat juice of a holiday roast. A family tradition and special holiday treat that many generations of the McHugh’s have been known to literally fight over, and quite possibly the cause of heart conditions in the genepool too. Be careful with instructions! This one takes time and practice to perfect.



  • Drippings from a holiday roast such as a standing rib roast. Hopefully, it was cooked in a pan that has an edge approx 2″ or more in height.
  • 3/4 C flour (less if gluten free flour and it should be a flour that rises well)
  • 1/2 tbs salt
  • 2 Eggs
  • 1 C Milk


  1. Remove roast to cool. Scrape out garlic or roast drippings that are not liquid form. Keeping liquid drippings in pan, re-heat in oven at 425.
  2. Beat thoroughly all other ingredients starting with flour and salt, then eggs, then milk slowly to moisten.
  3. Pour into hot pan with drippings, and carefully swish and swirl (technical jargon for Perrin chefs) around pan so it will rise up the edges. *Imagine when you crack an egg into a hot pan and how the whites of the egg spreads and want that to happen here as much as possible.
  4. Bake in oven at 400 (lower temp) for 20-30 minutes or until crispy and golden. Serve immediately.


  • If you are the type of person who takes a piece of bread and wipes your plate clean with it after a steak, you will LOVE this.

Tomato Pudding


Tomato Pudding

  • Author: Meara Perrin
  • Prep Time: 10
  • Cook Time: 30
  • Total Time: 40


A Thanksgiving side dish that looks as bad as it sounds, but tastes amazing! Think bread pudding. We double the recipe most times.



  • 1/4 Water or Juice
  • 1 C Stewed Tomatoes
  • 1 C Dark Brown Sugar
  • 1/2 C Melted Butter
  • Salt and Pepper
  • 45 Slices of Bread


  1. Mix all ingredients except bread (butter last), and blend. Do not allow to cool.
  2. Cut bread into cubes and place in 8×8 baking dish.
  3. Pour mixture over, completely covering bread and bake.


  • Depending on the bread, I may/may not drain the tomatoes (i.e.Gluten free bread is more dense). On a double order, I use 1/4 OJ and 1/4 Coke. Favorite brand of tomatoes is the carmelized onion S & G brand diced tomatoes. Walmart generic is also good. This is a wonderful recipe to get the kids started on contributing to holiday meals. Can be cooked and reheated. We like ours crispier, but watch carefully not to overcook or you will have a bad combo of burnt bread and sugar!


  • Serving Size: 4
Our family tradition recipe.